Creating a Review

When it's time for your monthly, quarterly, or ad hoc compliance review, it's time to create a Review in XY Archive! This article walks through how to create a Review of your data that fits your firm's needs.

Choosing What to Review

Your first step is to navigate to your Reviews page. You have four (4) different ways to specify and scope the review you'll create:

1. Source

First, pick out which sources you'd like to review. Our system defaults to all sources, but you can choose just one employees email, all social media accounts, or whatever combination works best for you! To edit what is included in the search, click on your "All sources selected" box, and click Select All at the bottom to deselect all sources. From there, pick and choose the sources you'd like to include. 

2. Term/Rule

Of our monitored terms, you can now choose which you want to monitor! Click on "All rules selected" and pick and choose which ones you'd like to include in the review.

3. Date

Enter the date range you'd like to monitor, whether that's the last week, month, or year!

4. Size

Finally, pick the size of the review you want to conduct. We offer 4 sizes:

  • Small: 10% of your flagged data from that period
  • Medium: 15% of your flagged data from that period
  • Large: 20% of your flagged data from that period
  • All: all flagged data from that period

When you're done, click "Create Review". It may take a minute or so to create, but just reload your screen after a minute or so. A green "Review" button will appear when it's ready to go!

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