What data do you archive?
When Archiving Starts
Archiving will start as soon as you add a source on your Sources page, and your data will be available for download in archives starting the day after you add it as a source.
Note: We do not pull any historical data from before your sources were added.
Data Limit
There is no limit to the amount of data we will archive, or available to you via download outside of the number of sources associated with your account.
Types of Data Archived
Email (Google & Microsoft accounts)
- Sender address
- Recipient address
- CC/BCC addresses if applicable
- Date sent/received
- Body of email
- File attachments
- Screenshots and source files of all pages within your website that are publicly accessible.
Posts from your Pages
- Post content
- Post media (photos and videos)
- Page description
Media shared by the source account as a post to its Instagram feed (videos, pictures, etc.), and their captions.
* Please note that collaborative posts cannot be archived due to API restrictions.
- Tweets
- Videos
- Photos
- "Public" or "Unlisted" videos uploaded to your YouTube account
- Titles
- Description
- Category
- Tags
LinkedIn Company Pages
All posts on your Company page that are presented publicly (without requiring a login).
* Please note that at this time we are not able to accommodate the archiving of certain LinkedIn post content that requires complex user interaction such as document post types or slideshows.